Thursday, December 18, 2008

Another view-basement rubble work

Another view of basement rubble work done in special method adopted by us which gives extra strength to foundation and an aesthetic appearance also

Completed view-Basement rubble work

Picture shows completed view of Basement rubble work with top plastering and outside pointing

Basement rubble work

Picture shows view of Basement rubble work in dry pack with top plastering and outside pointing with a height of 60 CM and outside walls inclined for extra strength

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Foundation rubble work

Foundation rubble work has started at site.If we produce the road level,height of foundation rubble work which is that part of foundation which goes under the earth will have a height of 2.6 M,nearly 9 feet.Hence we have fixed an average height of 1 M instead of 60 CM estimated for foundation.with this arrangement height of rubble foundation at the rear wall is coming to 1.2M.Picture shows commencement of foundation rubble work

Friday, October 31, 2008

Stone Laying ceremony

On October 31,2008 at 9 A.M Foundation stone for the house is laid by paternal uncle of Mr.Sunny Mattamana in presence of Mr.Sunny Mattamana and his Father In Law Mr.Paul

Picture shows foundation stone being laid

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Commencement of work

On 9,October,2008 work started at Kuruppampady with set out work for Foundation work.

Three coconut trees were removed and few small trees also were removed.Earth work excavation work is in progress.Picture shows the land at the time of set out work